How to Support Your Friends While Struggling with Revision?

If your coursemates, who happen to be your only friends in college, don't reply to your text messages (or posts on social media), then it means three things. They are catching up on Philip Reeve's "Mortal Engines Quartet", hoping to finish it before the first week of December. They happen to be huge fans of Peter Jackson, and they can't wait for the big-screen adaptation of this steampunk novel. You don't share their enthusiasm, though. You left your heart in London at the end of your last holiday. (You can't imagine St. Paul's Cathedral as the only surviving landmark after the Sixty Minute War.) It's not that important, as your buddies are students of the School of Arts. (And you're not.) A couple of them are pursuing a double degree, and you're grateful that you've been their confidant to their struggles (or so you think). Paper writing is a daunting task, but revising your assignment is harder than you imagine.
Revision is more than proofreading, which is your impression after you have submitted your admissions essay. Your admissions tutor would be impressed at your paper on Stanisław Lem's "Solaris", even if it's remotely related to your chosen field of study. (You aspired to be a student of the School of Physical Sciences.) You pepper your paper with questions, which hides your inability to comprehend the groundbreaking science fiction novel completely. Watching Steven Soderbergh's adaptation didn't help at all. You would groan after watching "First Man", Damien Chazelle's unusual biographical film on Neil Armstrong. The gritty images, abstract expressions, and dreamy Moon landing scenes would remind you of "Solaris". Why didn't the film is produced earlier, you have thought. You would comfort yourself with your accomplishment, which is you've been given an offer. This experience didn't help you manage your schedule on assignment writing during your first few months, though.
There won't be a surefire formula on how to revise a draft of your essay on the shortest time, as it's more of a trial-and-error thing. You haven't discussed it with your pals, as their tired faces would suggest that they rather talk about something else. (You're coy about bringing up your long-delayed plan of going to the countryside during a weekend.) However, you wouldn't hesitate to impart what you have learned to younger students (or applicants who approach you during their campus visit). This won't be the right time to think about it, as you rather want your friends to holler you during those challenging moments.
Lighten Up the Mood
Don't hesitate to bring cans of beer and a box of pizza. It would be perfect timing if your buddy is celebrating a birthday, but no one from the group can afford to go out. You can remind them about the perils of playing it safe all the time, which you rather show by your nice gesture. It should be the perfect break from the demanding nature of essay writing especially if they are finished with the draft of their assignments. They need to get away for a short while, and you would be glad to distract them.
Lend them your paperbacks. You might have copies of Young-adult novels, which are remotely related to the steampunk genre. Don't think twice about dropping by (and lending your copy), even if they don't ask for it. What they might need would be a different perspective, which your copies of your books would do. You could also initiate a conversation, where you talk about the latest releases and updates on your favorite genres (or authors). Something might come up, which may be a light-bulb moment for them (and you as well).
Your presence could be more than enough. You should know that paper writing could be a solitary activity, but you would find ways of reassuring yourself. (You've been fascinating with the stars, staring at it for long periods of time. You don't have any plans of following Armstrong's footsteps, though.) You don't want a scenario similar to the final scenes of “Captain America: Civil War”, as you rather make fun of the WiFi. It can be a problem at times, but you won't call Houston for help. Don't poke at your friend's ability (or inability) to manage the coursework particularly the limited time. And it won't be the right time to compliment the athletes who have changed the sport for the better. It may rub off them the wrong way.
What to Do If They Miss the Deadline
If this didn't happen to you, then it would mean one thing. This won't be the right time to remind them about time lost. Don't turn down a favor, as it might be a matter of life and death. You must have the presence of mind, as the goal would be to make the situation less distressing as it is. In this regard, keep on telling your friend that there would be more opportunities. (And this experience should help your buddy prepare for the next one.) Last but not least, it may be high time for a break. Don't take it hard if your friend rather goes for a long walk. Alone. There should be another time for getting together.