Morning or Night: When is the Best Time to Study and Why

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High school should have taught you the best time to study, yet this lesson could be thrown out of the window after your first week in the university. Paper writing, reading, and studying for examinations would present a new set of challenges, which would prompt you to observe your routine and mood swings. You might have to adjust to a new time.

There are benefits for studying during the morning and studying at night time, and it's not hard to differentiate one student from another based from their field of study. A college student specializing in Math or Science would likely study at morning, as a refreshing sleep, as well as sunlight, would enable that student to recall the previous lesson and be able to learn new ideas as well. On the other hand, the stillness of the evening would enable Arts students to think of creative ideas while writing a paper. It doesn't settle the problem on studying, though.

There are several factors that would help you determine your most productive hours. You haven’t figured out if you thrive on studying with your course mates or on your own. You're probably one of those college students that take some time to become motivated, where you need to engage in a time-consuming ritual or two. Last but not the least, you may have needed to loaf prior to your studying, if not do it during your break. Sleep is not a factor, as the effects of lack of sleep would catch up sooner or later. You have a to-do list of what could motivate you to study, as well as what could hinder it. If you suspect that these are psychological factors, you’re not far from the truth. Let’s proceed to the next step.

How to Get the Most out of Your Time

What does a strong routine consist of? Getting fit should make you realize the importance of having a routine and sticking to it. If you happen to be one of those students who aren’t addicted to exercising, and there’s a possibility that you belong to that majority (who aren’t diligent in keeping fit), you should be aware that not having a routine would put into trouble. You must be determined to follow it, but this doesn’t mean that you should make some adjustment if you’re struggling, if not flirting with the possibility of missing the deadlines to your assignments. It’s all about following a schedule. If you’re too lazy to go to the gym, meditating and walking would do. Positive thoughts also do wonders.

Have you evaluated your lifestyle? If you’re a laid-back teenager, it might take you lots of effort to motivate yourself to study. It would require lots of time, which is an issue to many students. It doesn’t mean that those adhering to an austere lifestyle would have an advantage. The coursework would demand anyone’s time, and it could disrupt the study-life balance sooner or later. It doesn’t require a long time to ponder about balance, as you must observe your thoughts and feelings. Your mental and emotional health could affect you in many ways that you might be unaware of. It’s about time that you become conscious of your thoughts and gestures, and let a course mate (or two) give an honest opinion of you. After all, you belong on the same boat.

How often do you take a break? Think of a break as a necessary disruption, but frequent breaks could put you behind schedule. It’s not a good thing during the hectic month of December, and the spring semester. Getting out of your room should be good enough.

Do you value friendship? Socialization must have a positive effect on your well-being, but it could keep you from your responsibilities. If this would be the case, then take the initiative and invite your course mates to a study session. Morning would be preferable, as it’s likely that you must work on your assignment(s) at night time. You could make a vow on a summer break after your second, if not final, year in the university.

How do you plan for the busy months? You must have one, even if it’s a draft. If no one has told you that you only have little time for anything else, you should practice ahead. You don’t want to miss the dining moments (with your family).

Have You Figure out Your Best Time?

The answer to the above questions might prompt you to seek more, which won’t be a great idea. Adopting a few drastic measures might impress other students, but don’t let it get to your head. (The university has one or two things that could throw anyone off the comfort zone.) Don’t try too hard (while you determine the best time to study), and don’t be too eager to succeed on your plan (when you figure it out). Humor should help you get over it. If you have more questions, ask another student about it. After all, you’re on the same boat. Protection Status

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